Tough patterns. Easy patterns. Issues with fresh over reacting backends. Struggles on transition. We say BRING IT ON! Between the original Ikon™ block encapsulated with A.I. Core Technology, and our MicroTrax™ Solid Coverstock wrapped around the outside, this beaut is definitely like using a cheat code on the lanes. And there is no doubt this combo of core and cover will increase the confidence and playability for bowlers of all skill levels on a variety of lane conditions.

Release Date: March 15th, 2024

Color: Heliotrope Purple
This kit contains:

Technical Specifications

  • 12
    Radius of Gyration




  • 13
    Radius of Gyration




  • 14
    Radius of Gyration




  • 15
    Radius of Gyration




  • 16
    Radius of Gyration




Ikon™ + A.I. Core Technology

The Ikon™ block itself has given bowlers of all skill levels performance for years. From the original IDOL winning multiple $100,000 paydays on the PBA Tour, to IDOL Helios racking up not one, but two sanctioned 900 series. So, we thought why not take that desirable motion and kick it up a notch. Boy did we ever. Placing the original Ikon shape inside the tested and proven A.I. Core Technology unlocked not only the amplified motion we were looking for, but it also created yet another level within our HP3 lineup of balls.



The MicroTrax (Micro Nanoparticle Traction) Coverstock offers the optimum balance of midlane traction and responsiveness to friction thanks to the blend of nanoparticles throughout the coverstock. This formulation maintains its surface profile texture longer to ensure you get maximum performance while displacing oil at an above average rate compared to other coverstock materials on the market today.

Engineered for Medium to Heavy Oil Conditions.

Product Reviews
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April 18, 2024
It is Optimum
The new Roto Grip Optimum Idol features the well-established Ikon core now wrapped in A.I. outer core material and the Microtrax Solid coverstock. I drilled my Idol 5x4x4.25 and it was honestly more ball than I was expecting. I did not care for the original idol because it was too clean and too forward; however, the Optimum Idol proved to be different. It is earlier and stronger off the backend of the pattern especially compared to something like that of an IQ Tour Edition. An IQ Tour to me is cleaner and more forward compared to the Optimum Idol. To put it in perspective, I would put the Optimum Idol between the Phaze 2 and Axiom Solid. I see the earlier shape like the Axiom, but I see a similar ball motion off the backend compared to the P2. Overall, I think the Optimum Idol is going to shine on a lot of different conditions and is easy to adjust with surface changes.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
March 24, 2024
Optimum Idol Review
Ball Specs:
Roto Grip Optimum Idol
Micro Trax Solid Reactive
Symmetric Ikon A.I. Core
Finish: 2000 grit Abralon
Layout: 4 x 4 with 1.5 Pin Buffer

Bowler Specs:
Right Hand. PAP 5” Over 1/2 up
Rev Rate 300. Tilt 20. Rotation 50.
Speed at release 17

I am loving this ball! I have always liked the Idol line but this ball is better than expected. The Optimum Idol hooks a lot, reads the mids and back end like a champ and carries as good as anything I have. I am more than pleased with this one. I get everything I need as long as the lanes are not on the dry side. I have also noticed that I carry off hits and flush hits better than normal with this ball. I think the A.I. (Applied Inertia) core somehow matches up perfectly with this ball. I have already had some big scores and sets with this one and have a great amount of trust with this ball. I would put total hook between the original Gem and Tour Dynamix. So far, I have only rolled this ball at box surface but I believe it would polish nicely if you hit a dryer condition. I feel this will be a very versatile and popular ball.

The Optimum Idol is a great mid to heavy oil ball.
The Ball reads the lane perfectly.
The roll and carry are exactly what I like in a ball.

Video Link:

Glenn Wendel
Storm Pro Shop Staff
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Dannial Cohen
March 23, 2024
Roto Grip Optimum Idol
Roto Grip Optimum Idol Ball Review
VLS 5x4x2.5
Dual Angle 50x5x37
The Idol is back!!!!!!!!
If you loved the orginal Idol you’re going to love the Optimum Idol which features the orginal core from the Idol but it’s wrapped with AI technology with the same cover that’s on the Gem.
Optimum Idol is going to be a great benchmark option for medium to heavy oil lane conditions.
For me the Optimum Idol is a great step down from the Magic Gem but stronger than the Tour Dynam- x.
The Optimum Idol will be the first ball out of my bag to get a read of the lane conditions.
Attached below is my link to my ball video
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel
Available now!!!!!
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Roto Grip Rick
March 19, 2024
Optimum Idol by RGR
Roto Grip Optimum Idol
Ball Specs: Ikon core with A.I. outer core with Micro-Trax solid coverstock
Layout: 5 x 4 x 3 at box finish of 2000 grit abralon
Bowler specs: 15.5 mph and rev rate in the 380’s and my is PAP is 3 ¼ and at zero up/down and tested on Pro-Lane at ABC North Lanes in Harrisburg, Pa., and Colony Park Lanes and Games in York, Pa.
With the past overwhelming success of the original Roto Grip Idol, we brought the past to the current technological levels that Storm is known for. The Ikon core is an “Icon” when it comes to the Roto Grip ball lines. I noticed over the OG Idol, that the travel through the pin deck has improved with the A.I. outer core technology and updating the cover to the Micro-Trax it digs through the pattern, but does not lose any energy in the backend of the lane. When the Optimum Idol gains some lane shine and matches more to the Pro-Lane panels I bowl most on, the consistency of reaction and pin carry increases. When I bowled on older HPL – I freshened the cover with a new VISE 2000 grit pad and once again the reaction and pin carry was intense. I tried every aspect of my game, outside the track, in the track, and around the track area and the new Idol responded to my every need. I can now see why I seen other bowlers chomping at the bit when this ball was unveiled, this ball will be a HUGE hit for any level of league bowler and tournament bowler. A stronger version of a Phaze II is where I would put this in my tournament arsenal.
Thanks to my sponsors and supporters:
Storm Products Inc. – Roto Grip, 900 Global, Storm, and 3G Shoes
Coolwick Apparel
Vise Inserts
ABC North Lanes and Lounge
Colony Park Lanes and Games
Bowlers’ Supply
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
Patrick Dombrowski
March 15, 2024
Roto Grip Optimum Idol – WWRD 3/22/2024
Roto Grip Optimum Idol – WWRD 3/22/2024
Cover: MicroTrax Solid Reactive
Core: Ikon + A.I. Core Technology
RG: 2.47
RG. Diff.: 0.056
Finish: 2000-Grit Abralon

Roto Grip’s new is a Symmetrical piece that is good for Medium Volume Patterns. PAP is 5 5/16 R 1 3/16 Up. Rev Rate: 400. Speed: 16.5. Drilled this piece with the Pin above the bridge and the CG kicked out 1” from the palm. I threw this piece on a burned up house 43’ pattern. Out of box ball motion was that it started early in the mids with a continuous motion on the backend. I compared this piece to the Hustle RIP (3-3 Right) and Tour Dynam-X (1-1 Right). I did not throw the original Idol but I am hearing this is a similar piece to it.

Check Out the Ball motion Video on my YouTube Page:
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