Bob Hart

Age: 87

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Style: Right

When I was 13 years old I went to work as a pin boy. That was the beginning of a love affair that still exists today, 67 years later. During those years bowling has remained a part of my life in many forms. First as a young boy fascinated with 10 pin bowling, spending every opportunity practicing to become better at the game. By high school graduation my average was in the mid 190's, a member of one of the top teams in Columbus, Ohio and hooked for good.

Following a tour of duty as a U.S. Marine, I went to work as a mgr. of a bowling center and later with General. Motors. Transferred to Erie Pa. then to Detroit Michigan. I joined the Goebel Beer team and later the National touring Stroh's Beer Bowling Team. Detroit was the home of many of the stars of bowling and I realized Bowling would be my future.

Over the next 50 years, as a pro shop owner operator, bowling center owner operator and employed by Bill & Barb Chrisman at Storm, (now in my 23rd year with Storm), I was able to teach and give back to students, fans and bowlers of varied abilities, the attention given to me over the years. Having been in the military, (USMC) it has been great working with the National Military Tournaments in Las Vegas over the years. Another one of my favorite events is the Special Olympic programs which I have been involved with for many years. Hopefully I have given a little back to the many who have given me so much. My trip is still ongoing!

Career Highlights


Member of Goebel Beer Team in Detroit for 10 Years

Member of National Strohs Beer Team in Detroit for 5 Years

Worked for Storm for 23 Years (Currently Employed)

“300” Game in Finals of National Masters 1967

Member of 7 Hall of Fames: Columbus City, State of Ohio, Michigan Majors, Detroit City, State of Michigan, State of Georgia and ABC/USBC National

3 ABC Titles (Doubles, Team All Events, and Individual All Events)

5 Gold Medals at Tournament of Americas 1974

First American to be Awarded The “Friendship” Award (Tournament of Americas) 1974

Competed in 61 ABC/USBC Tournaments

14th Person to Reach 100,000 Pin in the ABC/USBC National Tournament